Thursday, July 10, 2008

i'm a rookie...

I have never, ever, ever, blogged before. But here I go. I never have because I've always been amazed at the people that do blog-- they make it so interesting and they're just "good" bloggers. But me, I am terrible. I have not one interesting thing to say and I don't put it into words very well. Also, I feel like what I do say is just complaints or random nonsense??

See, it's already terrible!!

Anywhossil-- If I can only learn how to post pictures on here? Then maybe it'd be more interesting!

woohoo look at me go! Now that I've figured out how that is all I'm going to be doing! HA!! :)

welll I guess that's all the interesting stuff I have to say for now..
Until never, Jessica


TinkerDot Designs said...

Yay for you! I know what you mean about not knowing what to is hard sometimes. But, it's a great way for your family and friends to keep up on what your doing in life :) and it can be fun and addicting. Nice job! Keep it up :)

Melinda Ann said...

YIPPEE!!!! Good for you! :-D Welcome to the "blog" world. Maybe you, Jenni, and I can go to "blogher" events and such! They always look like such fun!

WELCOME! - Melinda Ann