Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wedding Planning...

(How beautiful is that?!) no longer in full swing, but ALMOST complete! Obviously there are MANY MANY more things that need to be done, but I admit that I am proud of the things we have checked off our to-do list thus far!

Let's recap shall we?
Church- St Johns in Davison
Reception Venue- The Palazzo Grande in Shelby Twp (AMAZING! So so happy about this one)
Florist- Viviano Flower Shop - Marena is AMAZING! I can't wait to see what the flowers look like. I am not even a flower person and could actually go without them at our wedding (haha) but after meeting with her I am actually looking forward to them!
Lighting- Mercury Sound and Lighting. At first I didn't think much about lighting, I knew I wanted a monogram on the wall but didn't know much about lighting at weddings? But then we met David and Angie, husband and wife, and they were awesome =) I can't wait to see the Palazzo after they are finished with it!
Cake- Militello's Bakery One word--- YUM! When the owner sat us down he had three torte's for us to sample, I'm not giving away which one we picked but let's say it was the one I thought I would hate! It was so delicious and was light and melted in your mouth. Ooohh I want some right now! Everyone coming to the wedding needs to try our cake, even if you don't like cake it's amazing I promise.
Photographers- The Gaupers If anyone needs a photographer for anything- seniors, family, weddings etc you should check out the Gaupers. Ryan and Holly, another husband and wife duo are.. ok I will say it again, AMAZING (that's my favorite word, can ya tell?) They really are! Obviously I must give credit to Melinda Ann Photography because she is our friend/engagement photographer/amazing woman! But the Gaupers are going to do a fantabulous job at our wedding, I love that I don't have to worry or stress about wedding pictures because they are in charge (btw- I am a picture freak in case you didn't know, so the pics are REALLY important to me)
Invitations will likely be from American Wedding online, very cheap but beautiful. The ones we picked aren't TOO modern, but they aren't the traditional/cheesy/fancy shmancy invites with tissue paper! I loooove them!

What else is there?! I think I've covered everything we have taken care of. WOOHOO Go me :)
Now if I can just buy all of those things I want on Etsy for the wedding.. but that is a whole nother post!!

Whew, I guess I need to work on some homework instead of wedding planning nonstop :) Maybeee?


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Try this again..

Hmmm let's see how long I last blogging this time. =)

This is one of my fave engagement pics done by Melinda Ann Photography! =)

Wedding planning is in full swing! Immediately after we got engaged (November 24, 2009) I had a bunch of things under wraps. Including the reception venue, wedding colors, wedding party (our wedding party rocks!) and who I wanted to be the DJ and photographers. I recently made our wedding website, which I wasn't planning on making but did it anyways for something to do. Check it out---

We still have to tackle the cake and florist and invitations! It's already 315 days away- yikes! That sounds far away but I know it will be here before we know it.

Last weekend we headed up north to the Smith residence for some engagement photo's by Melinda Ann Photography! It was FREEZING but she did an amazing job (per usual!) You can see our sneak peek here--

We had so much fun with Don & Melinda, playing on their new Wii! Thanks for the awesome hospitality =)

Last semester of school is starting, I am both nervous and excited..but more excited I think! I just want to start a real nursing job so I can do what I love to do! I think we have around 100 days of school left until graduation :) I better look that up and start a countdown!

Until later,

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I miss my loveee <3

Ellisen & myself

It has officially been a month since I last saw Jared and it seems like it's been FOREVER!  It really sucks not seeing him everyday, and the webcam just doesn't do it for me.  He is "surprising" me soon and coming home to visit.. but he won't tell me when.  And I actually don't want to know either-- it's more fun to be surprised.

School is going great so far.  I enjoy having 2 online classes that are so easy.  Got a 96.8% on my first med-surg II exam so that's niiiice.   Work is great also.. gotta love playing with kids all day.  My favorite room to work in is the infant room... so peaceful yet fun.  

I've been babysitting for Ellisen a lot lately.. .mostly because in the end of October I will be watching her for 8 days while her parents go to Rome! AHH I know I must be nuts.. but I'm excited.  She's such a good baby and I know things will go smoothly-- hopefully.

The only thing I have to look forward to today is that a new season of Dexter starts tonight- If you have never seen it you really should.  I have introduced it to numerous people and they are addicted.  (It's on Showtime)

Life without Jared=sucks.  I have been calling and e-mailing hospitals out in San Fran so I can hopefully move out there with him next summer! <3

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

$ money, money, money $

Well first of all.. last night I spent a TON of money! HAHA. First I jumped on a plane ticket because it was so cheap. (a plane ticket to visit my boyfriend 10 days after he moves to California) Then I decided to purchase the macbook I have been eying. So I do that, but since I'm a college student I get a free printer and a free iPod (after rebate) Sooo let's just say that is a huge purchase from Apple. Yes, you're welcome Apple. But anyways, I'm extremely excited about BOTH! Visiting my love in San Fran.. and playing with my new laptop! (Melinda did you ever buy your macbook?)

Secondly, I was totally depressed last night going to bed. 1) My boyfriend is moving and I can't move with him for two more years until I'm done with nursing school 2) I watched the Randy Pausch special on ABC 3) oh wait. that's all. Those two things were enough to depress the hell out of me!! I can't believe I was so upset about Randy and I never even met the guy!!!

Ughhh.. well hopefully today is better than yesterday. haha. Friday is my last day of work at the daycare-- soo let's hope the little tots behave well (Yesterday they were INSANE, all devil children I swear)

Last weekend I stole Maddie and took her swimming- she's literally the smartest 22 month year old I know. And sooo cute =)

Also went to the beer tent at maddens--

And went to watch the little bro play in a baseball tourny--
((tear)) he's growing up so fast. haha

BUSY WEEKEND!!! Well that is all for now.. counting down the minutes I have left with my boyfriend before he leaves =( Until I have something half-way (not at all) interesting to say about my life ... ADIOS

Jessica Marie <3

Sunday, July 13, 2008

every little thing. is gonna be alright.

well, i'm baaaaaack :)

Jared met with the San Fran head guy on Friday--- and the verdict is he is moving :( Which is good, but still depressing. He's either leaving middle of August or end of August. I don't think it has really hit me yet but I'm still happy he got a job!!

Had a small bonfire on Friday night since the rents were outta town!

Then went to see my friend from nursing schools new baby-- she just got out of the hospital on the 4th. She's honestly the smallest baby I've ever held! And I've held a TON of babies. I miss her already :(

Another work week starts tomorrow.. ugh. Good thing I'm going to be putting in my two weeks notice soon. Anyone know of someone that needs a nanny/babysitter in Davison?? I need to find a job and I only have class on Thursdays and Fridays this semester! Woohoo

Okay that's all for now... here's a cute pic of Jared and his niece Meghan :)

Adios Amigos

Thursday, July 10, 2008

i'm a rookie...

I have never, ever, ever, blogged before. But here I go. I never have because I've always been amazed at the people that do blog-- they make it so interesting and they're just "good" bloggers. But me, I am terrible. I have not one interesting thing to say and I don't put it into words very well. Also, I feel like what I do say is just complaints or random nonsense??

See, it's already terrible!!

Anywhossil-- If I can only learn how to post pictures on here? Then maybe it'd be more interesting!

woohoo look at me go! Now that I've figured out how that is all I'm going to be doing! HA!! :)

welll I guess that's all the interesting stuff I have to say for now..
Until never, Jessica