Wednesday, July 30, 2008

$ money, money, money $

Well first of all.. last night I spent a TON of money! HAHA. First I jumped on a plane ticket because it was so cheap. (a plane ticket to visit my boyfriend 10 days after he moves to California) Then I decided to purchase the macbook I have been eying. So I do that, but since I'm a college student I get a free printer and a free iPod (after rebate) Sooo let's just say that is a huge purchase from Apple. Yes, you're welcome Apple. But anyways, I'm extremely excited about BOTH! Visiting my love in San Fran.. and playing with my new laptop! (Melinda did you ever buy your macbook?)

Secondly, I was totally depressed last night going to bed. 1) My boyfriend is moving and I can't move with him for two more years until I'm done with nursing school 2) I watched the Randy Pausch special on ABC 3) oh wait. that's all. Those two things were enough to depress the hell out of me!! I can't believe I was so upset about Randy and I never even met the guy!!!

Ughhh.. well hopefully today is better than yesterday. haha. Friday is my last day of work at the daycare-- soo let's hope the little tots behave well (Yesterday they were INSANE, all devil children I swear)

Last weekend I stole Maddie and took her swimming- she's literally the smartest 22 month year old I know. And sooo cute =)

Also went to the beer tent at maddens--

And went to watch the little bro play in a baseball tourny--
((tear)) he's growing up so fast. haha

BUSY WEEKEND!!! Well that is all for now.. counting down the minutes I have left with my boyfriend before he leaves =( Until I have something half-way (not at all) interesting to say about my life ... ADIOS

Jessica Marie <3

1 comment:

Melinda Ann said...


So I would always check your blog to see if there were updates but NOTHING! haha Sorry I missed this one!!!

haha get to updating again please! :-D Thank you! haha
I am going to add you to my blog list so I know when you update!